Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Commercial from 2002 - 2011

This blog will be talking about commercials advertised by Petronas from the start till the current commercials. I have analysed on which identity Petronas focused on each year.

Based on chart from the Petronas website, from year 2002 - 2005 they focused more on a single community identity, which is the Malay community. During this three years they've only advertised Hari Raya and not the other two big events. On the following year, Petronas started to include commercials of the two other big races in Malaysia - Chinese and Indian. The Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Deepavali and Merdeka commercial continues until today. Besides that, today Petronas started to include more and more different races in their projects. For example, the Kadazan Dusun & Iban community.

Kadazan Dusun

Petronas has now include more and more different community in their projects. From my analysis, they tend to neutralize the racial identity, keeping the racial issue down by being fair to all community. Besides that, Petronas commercials is keeping the religious identity to the minimal and family value to the maximum. Based on my observation on their commercials, Petronas enhance the moral and family value more compared to other identity.

YouTube. 2013. PETRONAS Gawai Episode 6: The Journey. [online] Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAjCjCojCTU [Accessed: 3 Aug 2013].

YouTube. 2013. PETRONAS Kaamatan Episode 2: Traditional Food. [online] Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-Wxr-yMDQo [Accessed: 3 Aug 2013].

Petronas.com.my. 2011. PETRONAS. [online] Available at: http://www.petronas.com.my/media-relations/advertisements/Pages/tv-commercials.aspx [Accessed: 3 Aug 2013].

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